Latest Episodes
Gender and the Gospel: The Beauty of Distinction in a Culture of Confusion
This presentation compares the lesser-known realities of “gender transition journeys” and trans-activism with the biblical and scientific reality of who we are as essentially...
Paganism: All Religions Are One?
Join us today for part 4 of this classic teaching series from Dr. Peter Jones. The Pagan Agenda is wrapped up in obliteration of...
Thaddeus Williams: First Things First: Evangelism in the Age of Social Justice
It has become trendy to identify social justice as a “Gospel issue,” or even as “the heart of the Gospel.” If we do not...
Describing Paganism
Do not forget that the fundamental contrast has always been, is still, and will be until the end: Christianity and Paganism, the idols or...
Racism—A Failure of Faith, Hope, and Love
Mark Robinson: Racism—A Failure of Faith, Hope, and Love. Simply put, racism is a form of partiality that falls short of the law of...
Three Rejections of the 60s
What are the three rejections of the 60s, and how did they contribute to what the Church faces today? Three Rejections of the 60s...