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Wrap up of 2024
Thank you to all for listening to the TruthXchange Director's Bag podcast. We look forward to your engagement in 2025.

Stupid For Jesus
My son Jeremy is studying British history, and is currently reading about the Covenanters and King Charles I. He asked if I could pop...

Natural Law and Bible Thumping
Welcome to the Truth Exchange podcast. This is a weekly program with Dr. Jeffrey J. Ventrella, where he answers questions from subscribers around the...

The Pill and the Trad Fad Wife
We had a number of questions and comments on the Pill. Everything ranging from it liberating women to be able to work, it helps...

Women voting and Classical Liberalism
Welcome to the Truth Exchange podcast. This is the weekly program with Dr. Jeffrey J. Ventrell where he answers questions from subscribers around the...

The Rule of Law
Welcome to the Truth Exchange podcast. This is the weekly program with Dr. Jeffrey J. Ventrell where he answers questions from subscribers around the...