Latest Episodes
Global Issues: The State of Our Disunion
Globalism and the Great Reset have cosmic implications that affect more issues than the economy and climate change. Ms. Pamela Frost joins the podcast...
The State of our Disunion: Social Justice
Dr. Thaddeus Williams joins the podcast to discuss social justice, the gospel, and the tensions facing the Church today. Is social justice a Trojan...
State of Spirituality in the Church
Jon Harris and Stephen Chavura join the truthXchange podcast to discuss spirituality of the church and problems on the horizon attacking her unity and...
Racism in the Church and in the culture
Rev. Mark Robinson joins the truthXchange Podcast, ep 26- The State of Our Disunion: Racism and Social Justice.
Law and Public Policy
Dr. Jeffery Ventrella joins the TruthXchange Podcast to discuss law and public policy all through the lens of oneism and twoism. In the U.S.,...
Sexuality by God’s Design
Mary Weller comes back on the truthXchange Podcast to discuss how twoism affects the way we think about sexuality and gender roles in culture.