Latest Episodes

The Director's Bag: Episode 9
The Creation Mandate and Christian SocialismWelcome to the Truthxchange Podcast: This is a weekly program with Dr Jeffery J Ventrella where he answers questions...

The Director's Bag: Episode 8
What is a Man?What About Christian Nationalism?Welcome to the Truthxchange Podcast: This is a weekly program with Dr Jeffery J Ventrella where he answers...

The Director's Bag: Episode 7
"A closer look at preferences and precepts"Welcome to the Truthxchange Podcast: This is a weekly program with Dr Jeffery J Ventrella where he answers...

The Director's Bag: Episode 6
"Reparations as atonement and Flesh bad/Spirit good."Welcome to the TruthXchange Podcast: This is a weekly program with Dr Jeffery J Ventrella where he answers...

The Director's Bag: Episode 5
"Eating Edibles and Having Pride, to the Glory of God?"Welcome to the TruthXchange Podcast: This is a weekly program with Dr Jeffery J Ventrella...

The Director's Bag: Episode 4
"Hey! Who Gave You the Power?"In this episode, Dr. Jeffery Ventrella addresses questions concerning: God as the Ultimate evil in a CRT worldview, Christian...